You belong anywhere you desire to be and you deserve to succeed at anything you wish to accomplish. Why then, do inner thoughts and feelings show up trying to stop you? One word, programming.
Once upon a time you were a blank slate. You were an observer of life enjoying your childhood. You watched and spent the early years of your life surrounded by the ideas and feelings of your parents or caretakers. You watched as their thoughts and feelings surrounded you. You listened as words were spoken and meaning given to tones of voice. You learned the meaning of thoughts, of feelings and became programmed as the experiences repeated themselves over and over appearing to validate what you had been taught. As you grew older your data base of what was good and bad, what you liked and disliked, what was normal and abnormal grew as well. One day that data base became your identity and turned into your reference book for life and living.
As an adult in the world you get presented with opportunities on a regular basis. When something you want doesn’t fall within the accepted parameters of the thoughts and feelings you grew up with, it creates conflict. Here’s an example. You, as an adult, want to learn to play the piano. You grew up in a family where listening to music was greatly enjoyed but no one played any instruments. The phrase “no one in this family has any musical talent” is something you heard regularly growing up. You buy a piano, a song book and start taking lessons. The process is a struggle and it’s difficult. You have a hard time remembering the rules for the chord progressions from class. Your fingers keep hitting the wrong keys when you practice the drills. It’s not fun or easy, it’s actually quite stressful. You keep working at it for a couple of months and start making a little progress. That progress continues to build and eventually you start to believe in your skills and abilities. The learning curve finally breaks and your skills start improving at a more rapid rate. What changed?
When you first started practicing, every instruction from each piano lesson had to go through all of your belief patterns about not having musical talent. The belief of not having musical talent is connected to thoughts and feelings that learning to play any type of musical instrument will be a struggle, stressful and take a significant amount of time. What makes learning to play a musical instrument stressful, a struggle and time consuming? Not remembering instructions, forgetting chords, and making frequent mistakes causing you to repeat a practice drill over and over. Your belief program was set to make learning to play a musical instrument difficult. Had your belief pattern been that you grew up in a musically talented family, you are musically talented, or you can do anything you want easily, you would have had a very different experience learning to play the piano. It would have come easily and naturally with little or
no effort.
Your internal belief programs make things easy or difficult depending on the thoughts and feelings involved. Something feeling difficult doesn’t mean you can’t do it. It only means that your belief patterns are trying to tell you it’s difficult, hard or impossible when in reality, it doesn’t have to be that way.