Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been around for ages. It can be made with a single type of tea like black tea or a combination of black, green and other teas. When the teas themselves contain different antioxidants, polyphenols and other compounds that have health benefits. Once they are fermented, a substance called acetic acid is produced. This compound can help your body cut down the growth of harmful bacteria and potentially help improve type 2 diabetes. In addition, kombucha contains probiotics that can help keep your gut healthy, can improve digestion, lower inflammation and even help you lose weight. To top it off, there is a possibility that the antioxidants and polyphenols in kombucha might even help prevent cancer. It makes you wonder if ancient cultures that brewed kombucha knew of these potential benefits.
Mortal Kombucha has been chosen for today’s review. I have tried a number of different kombuchas in the past. The brightly colored bottles and creative names of these two particular flavors happened to catch my attention. Peach Bellini “Peaches Be Crazy” and Black Magic “Maple Lemonade with Activated Charcoal” are the two flavors that found their way into my cart.
Peach Bellini “Peaches Be Crazy”

To start things off, the artwork on the bottle is so bold and colorful. The picture of a hand squeezing a peach surrounded by rich oranges and purples definitely stands out in the refrigerator case. The naming was quite creative as well.

Ingredients: organic kombucha (spring water, organic cane sugar, organic black tea) organic peach puree, organic lemon puree
Calories 70, Saturated & Trans Fat 0g, Sodium 0mg, Carbs 0g, Fiber 0g, Total Sugar 16g, Protein 0g
Here’s how the flavor stacked up. Peach Bellini is sparkling with a light to medium fizz. Overall, there is a nice, strong peach flavor coming from the peach puree. The fermented flavor that is part of all kombuchas, is lightly in the background. Peach Bellini is the perfect name to match the flavor of this kombucha. It reminds me of crossing a peach tea with a slightly sweet sparkling wine. It’s pleasant to sip and enjoy.
Up next, Black Magic “Maple Lemonade with Activated Charcoal”.

The gray and white color scheme of the bottle is not quite as colorful as Peach Bellini. However, the name Black Magic and picture of a hand holding a colorful shiny ball of magic will grab your attention long enough to make you look further.
Ingredients: organic kombucha (spring water, organic cane sugar, organic black tea), organic lemon puree, organic maple syrup, charcoal, organic cinnamon extract, organic cayenne
Calories 70, Saturated and Trans Fat 0g, Sodium 0mg, Fiber 0g, Total Sugars 17g, Protein 0g

What does Black Magic taste like? My initial impressions were a sparkling lemonade followed by a champagne. The cayenne shows up later in the flavor profile as a heaviness in the body of the flavor and a slight warmth. There is no extreme level of heat from it. The activated charcoal can be detected in the final flavor notes if your taste buds are sensitive. It’s very light and actually a nice way to wrap up the flavor notes. Black magic sadly isn’t black in color. It’s a slightly murky grayish yellow. Overall, it was not what I was expecting as a “Maple Lemonade with Activated Charcoal” but nonetheless, it turned out to be a light, refreshing combination of flavors that reminds me of champagne or slightly sweet, sparkling wine.
Mortal Kombucha has created an aesthetically colorful and fun line of kombuchas. Whether you’re looking for kombucha to help your gut, for health benefits or just for fun, Mortal Kombucha will provide some entertainment value along with flavor.