About Me
I have been blessed to practice as an Osteopathic Physician in Family Medicine. Prior to medical school I was already aware of how exercise, foods, stress and other factors affected everyday life. While attending Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, now known as A.T. Still University, I learned greater detail about the Mind-Body-Spirit connection and was trained with various tools to look for and treat underlying medical problems. I loved helping people identify underlying causes and greatly improve or resolve their medical issues.
After years of practice, my understanding of the integral role the Mind-Body-Spirit connection played deepened. I studied many different modalities during this process and discovered that everything leads back to the same place, mindset and beliefs. I found that the greatest levels of success were accomplished by educating patients on the underlying principles of this connection and sharing those tools which worked best for them, personally, to transform their health and life.
While I dearly loved helping people improve their health as a physician, I found that I didn’t have the time, freedom and format I wanted in a medical practice setting. I wanted a fun way to teach how underlying beliefs interconnect with life, health, creating reality and more. I left the practice of medicine to share this information, inspire and remind people that they have more power in their lives than they imagined. In doing so, Create The New Reality was born. There's a magical connection to life and living that is restored when people reconnect to this part of themselves. Everyone deserves that experience.
Live Inspired!
Dr. Jessica Bacon